Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cabin in the Woods [Some Non-Spoilery Thoughts]

You don't want me to tell you all about Cabin In the Woods, Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard's long-awaited (and long-delayed) big screen project. If I did, that would just ruin it. See, one of the absolute joys of this movie is that it takes you away with the power of a story whose ending you can't see coming from a mile away - and you don't need to.

Above all else, Cabin is a smart movie that treats its audience as being intelligent as well. As a fan of horror (and of movies in general), this is incredibly refreshing. I was constantly engaged with the film on multiple levels. The structure of the film presents questions on top of questions - and the answers are thoroughly satisfying.

You've probably heard that Cabin  is a movie with a "twist". This is true. But this "twist" is no Shayamalan-style attention grab. In other words, the movie is not all about trying to blow your mind with insane twists for the sake of twists. The twists and turns are natural to the story, and so only serve to make it better.

To say much more than that Cabin In the Woods is about 5 college kids who go to an isolated cabin in the woods (who woulda thunk it, right?) and get much more than they bargained for out of the trip would be letting myself become a spoiler monkey. And I hate spoiler monkeys. What I can tell you is this: calling Cabin nothing more than a 'horror' movie or a film with a 'twist' is selling it far, far short. This is a movie with a strong, intelligent script; a wide-ranging and talented cast; and a wildly inventive and self-aware premise. In short, its a rarity in Hollywood these days, and well worth the price of a ticket. Don't read spoilery reviews. Don't watch clips online - don't even watch trailers. Just go see it, and bring your friends.

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