About Me: A Stereotypical Top 10 List
10) I am an unabashed geek. Movies, comics, television shows...you name it, odds are there's something about it I love...and probably know way too much about.
9) I am considered by most people to be a 'movie snob.' If you've had this label applied to you too, we'll probably get along great. If not...well, my opinions are just that. Opinions.
8) I judge people who use poor grammar. It upsets me. And every time you do it, someone throws a rock at a kitten. (See, now you're sympathetic - and you're watching your spelling, too.)
7) I firmly believe that Edward Cullen and his ilk would last less than 45 seconds in a world inhabited by Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They'd be the barely-threatening group of vampires in the cold open of the show who are killed by Buffy just to give her an excuse to stretch her muscles before the REAL Big Bad came along. Need proof? Here:
6) I almost died from excitement when I heard that Joss Whedon is writing and directing the Avengers film. If you don't understand why, shame on you. Go away,and don't come back here until you figure it out for yourself. I'm surprised the universe hasn't had a conniption from the awesome yet.
5) Crazy little white girls named after freshwater waterways DAMAGE MY CALM. Ten points to you if you understand why.
4) I find graphic novels to be just as exciting a medium as books. Many people don't give a second thought to the GN format, either because they think it's the same thing as Japanese manga (don't even get me started on that), OR because they've seen the Hollywood versions of the stories - that's right, I'm looking at YOU, Jonah Hex...and you, Wanted...and, well, you get the idea. Don't sell the graphic novel form short, is all.
3) Superman is by far my favorite superhero, followed at this juncture by Green Arrow and Deadman (in his current Brightest Day incarnation). And just FYI, if I hear the name Superboy Prime...SO HELP ME, I'll kill you to death. Also, Christopher Reeve FTW.
2) The Star Wars Original Trilogy is one of the best and most innovative things ever put on film. It's not my favorite (that spot goes to Back to the Future), but it's up there. Still, if given the chance, I might just follow Patton Oswalt's lead (be warned of some language)...
Yep, the prequels were that bad.
1) I'm a writer. Here's the best explanation of what that means that I've ever seen:
"Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals."
-Don Delilo
9) I am considered by most people to be a 'movie snob.' If you've had this label applied to you too, we'll probably get along great. If not...well, my opinions are just that. Opinions.
8) I judge people who use poor grammar. It upsets me. And every time you do it, someone throws a rock at a kitten. (See, now you're sympathetic - and you're watching your spelling, too.)
7) I firmly believe that Edward Cullen and his ilk would last less than 45 seconds in a world inhabited by Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They'd be the barely-threatening group of vampires in the cold open of the show who are killed by Buffy just to give her an excuse to stretch her muscles before the REAL Big Bad came along. Need proof? Here:
6) I almost died from excitement when I heard that Joss Whedon is writing and directing the Avengers film. If you don't understand why, shame on you. Go away,and don't come back here until you figure it out for yourself. I'm surprised the universe hasn't had a conniption from the awesome yet.
5) Crazy little white girls named after freshwater waterways DAMAGE MY CALM. Ten points to you if you understand why.
4) I find graphic novels to be just as exciting a medium as books. Many people don't give a second thought to the GN format, either because they think it's the same thing as Japanese manga (don't even get me started on that), OR because they've seen the Hollywood versions of the stories - that's right, I'm looking at YOU, Jonah Hex...and you, Wanted...and, well, you get the idea. Don't sell the graphic novel form short, is all.
3) Superman is by far my favorite superhero, followed at this juncture by Green Arrow and Deadman (in his current Brightest Day incarnation). And just FYI, if I hear the name Superboy Prime...SO HELP ME, I'll kill you to death. Also, Christopher Reeve FTW.
2) The Star Wars Original Trilogy is one of the best and most innovative things ever put on film. It's not my favorite (that spot goes to Back to the Future), but it's up there. Still, if given the chance, I might just follow Patton Oswalt's lead (be warned of some language)...
Yep, the prequels were that bad.
1) I'm a writer. Here's the best explanation of what that means that I've ever seen:
"Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals."
-Don Delilo