Friday, August 10, 2012

Public Service Announcement: New Reading Materials

Hail, dear readers!

 This is just a quick PSA to anyone who might be looking for some new regular reading material on the interwebs. If this is you, you're in luck! 

(Barney Stinson approves.)

My good friend (and often-time co-author) a guy named Jack Holder, has just launched his own blog over at He'll be publishing his own thoughts, as well as bits of his works in progress (which, if history is to be believed, will only be good after I have edited/completely rewritten them for him). 

Just kidding.

Jack's a great guy and an even better writer. It's well worth your time to check out what he's up to over there at (once more, with feeling!)

Don't miss out! 

In unrelated news, I've learned how to insert GIFs into my posts. I'm a little behind the times.